An enriching session with the World Bank

Yesterday, the 2024 cohort had the chance to share a privileged moment with the World Bank. The fellows attended a productive workshop led by the MIGA (Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency).


Combining academic lessons, practical case studies and open discussions, this workshop has been an intense moment for reflection and experience sharing on infrastructure procurement in Africa.


Following this session, the fellows and the World Bank experts engaged in meaningful talks during a networking cocktail!


Thank you to the brilliant experts who made this session possible:


  • Ethiopis Tafara, MIGA Vice President, Chief Risk, Legal & Sustainability Officer and Partnership
  • Cheikh Diagne, Senior Underwriter – MIGA’s Africa Office
  • Roxana Liciu, Senior Underwriter, Western Europe Origination
  • Paul Diop, Senior Underwriter
  • Pablo de Zaldivar, Senior Counsel
  • Victoria Manresa, Underwriter, Operations Team
  • Lynn Bounajem, Operations Analyst
  • Ilana Zenouda, Operations Analyst